Best Choice Product Reviews

At Mad Raven Reviews we aim to provide the best choice product reviews.

We will strive to design high quality Problem-Solving product reviews and match these products with the correct end consumer.

Our goal is to spotlight both the Good and Bad for you so you don’t waste time searching for the answers.

We conveniently neatly summarize and package them here for you.

You deserve an inside peek before you buy.

So we will peel back the cover to reveal what’s underneath the cover of each product that we review then fanatically pick apart their numerous features, benefits and downfalls to help you decide if it’s worth purchasing or not.

Fair enough?


You Deserve the Truth, don’t you?

EVERY product has flaws! Even the best solutions lack something.

NOT every product’s solution is meant for everyone with the same problem.

No BS!

No Salesy Reviews!

the Best Choice Product Reviews: Our Commitment

Mad Raven Reviews dedicates itself to bring you the best in high quality content. Here’s what to expect from us:

  • The Good and Ugly of a product
  • Alternate Product Choices
  • [Actual] Features and Benefits
  • Various Learning Techniques (videos, charts, tables, graphics, infographics, text, PDFs)
  • Section References (pages, exact time points in videos, etc)
  • Detailed Scoring System
  • Detailed Explanations (how to, why it’s good, why it doesn’t work)
  • Match [Correct] End User with the [Right] Product

We check each other’s work before publishing ensuring final editing perfection.

Why do we strive for quality?

Mad Raven Reviews Born from Personal Tragedy

My name is Rick. One of the two Raven Reviewers.

A few years back in 2013 I experienced a horror that I do not wish on anyone else.

I discovered my wife was cheating on me.

It changed my life though.

I started my own website to provide support to others experiencing the same betrayal.

Writing provided therapy for me to overcome the relationship let down and the readers benefited from the first-hand experience advice.

Eventually what started as useful blog post tips to recover from the emotional pain and free ebook download turned into reviews of ebooks created by professional therapists and even online dating coaches.

I wanted share different viewpoints.

The Problem

As it turned out I was not the only one reviewing the same ebooks.

The problem I discovered though, was that many of the other writers (not all of them) did not share the same enthusiasm I did to provide useful material.

(For the most part) the web lacked what Kevin and I would call “best choice product reviews”, reviews that allow the reader to decide whether the product in question will solve their problem.

(In fact I gave a rather LOW score for one of the more popular affair recovery ebooks sold on the web today.)

Instead the reviews we found on the web raved how practically flawless the products were and suggested you click their affiliate link and hurry up to purchase it so they could earn a commission.

Reviews? Hardly.

More like sales promotions.

Reading these one-sided, salesy reviews motivated me to keep writing high quality reviews for my first website (I’m working on one today in fact).

It also inspired me to continue to write the kind of best choice product reviews for a large assortment of both digital and physical products not only in the relationship industry.

[Kevin and I want to help people.]


ALL products are flawed and so are our reviews.

We are NOT perfect either.

We have the inspiration and determination to improve our review writing skills.

Learn from our videos, infographics, charts, images, screenshots and tables.

Feel free to write to us and provide feedback.

Leave comments at the bottom of the reviews to share your experience with the product both GOOD and Bad.

You seek the truth and so do we.

Please know we DO earn commissions when you click our links and purchase. This helps compensate the research and time Kevin and I invest in producing high quality content for you our readers.

Everyone deserves a peek “under the hood”.

Here at Mad Raven Reviews we are fanatical about providing you with the best choice product reviews.




Mad Raven Reviews
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